Saturday, October 28, 2017

COMMANDO OF PORTUGUESES MAN O' WAR oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 24"x20" 61x51cm, 2011, lec845, priv.coll. Kailua-Kona, HI. © pascal lecocq Print available.#camo #jellyfish #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #pint.

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The Goods, the Bad and the Ugly... will exhibit indoor today for the October @fatvillage ArtWalk! First appearance by Pascal with a huge display indoor Projects South Building 517 Northwest 1st ave, Fort Lauderdale. Free Entrance OCT 28TH 6-11PM Come out and support small business and the local arts!!! More info at #fatvillage_projects #fatvillage_cfta #fatvillage #fatvillagespace #C&I Studios #fatvillageartwalk #fatvillageartist #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #plshow

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Oct.19th, 2017 Opening NOBE art gallery Fort Lauderdale

Kick off season Thursday Oct 19th Art on the plaza with the permanent collection of Pascal’s paintings and other talented artists.

North Beach Art Gallery Fort Lauderdale Location: 3334 NE 34th Street Galt Ocean Plaza Fort Lauderdale FL 33308 phone local: (954) 667-0660

pascal_lecocq_1710nobe-sm 22791916_1489496121139868_7628474634408507196_o 22791710_1489503011139179_4059493079360250318_o 22769925_1489496261139854_5712709250279868469_o 22769771_1489496767806470_4312935968925270749_o
#art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #plshow #nobeartgallery #northbeachartgallery #brooketrace #‎supportlocal‬ ‪ ‪#‎broward @brooke_trace @nobegallery

more at http://

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Oct.7th Teeds Art Gallery Support Critical relief with Pasca

Pascal’s donation: “Curse of the caribbean”! 12×12 ceramic art tile framed, value $350.00 is waiting your best offer to Support Critical Relief,  Efforts for Puerto Rico, Mexico, Florida, Texas, Caribbean and US Virgin Islands at the free event:
“BY HAND” Art to the RESCUE, Artists & Community Collaborating Together 10/7/17
Together we can raise important funds that are desperately needed to help those in critical need to get their lives back together at Tedds Art Works in Wilton Manors
SATURDAY, OCT 7, 2017 from 6:00pm – 10:00pm
With ART Hostess Akrylica, Music and Dancing with DJ Frankie Fox
Complimentary Food and Adult Beverages. Surprises, Special Guests
Tedds ART Works – 2422 North Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors Florida – 33305

House of Art
ITS A MID MOD MAD WORLD – 10% of all sales on 10/7/17 donated to


from WordPress

Friday, October 27, 2017

Scary starving artist costumes this Saturday fro the October @fatvillage ArtWalk! First appearance by Pascal with a huge display indoor Projects South Building 517 Northwest 1st ave, Fort Lauderdale. Free Entrance OCT 28TH 6-11PM THE GOODS is a monthly curated maker's market that takes place during FATVillage Artwalk on the last Saturday of every month. Come see for yourself! Good People. Good Art. Good Times. Come out and support small business and the local arts!!! More info at #fatvillage_projects #fatvillage_cfta #fatvillage #fatvillagespace #C&I Studios #fatvillageartwalk #fatvillageartist #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #plshow

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COMPTINE DE BALBEC/ APPARITION SUR LA DIGUE - Rhyme from Balbec: Apperance on the dike - oil on canvas, by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 81 x 54cm, 32”x21”, lec067, 1982, priv.coll.France. ©pascal lecocq  #proust #balbec #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #pint.

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

CHAIR QUITTANT LES EAUX - The flesh cleaves from the bones/waters - oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 31 7/8"x39 3/8", 2006.lec720, priv.coll. Clamart, France. © pascal lecocq #isleofdead #toteninsel #kursk #hiram #bocklin #submarine #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #pint. Published in “Chefs-d’oeuvre/masterpieces by Pascal Lecocq" (Usa, 2011) From “The Isle of the Dead” by Arnold Böcklin, 1884, lost version IV.See

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New state of the art Austrian magazine Bluescape is launched with a deep interview with Pascal. Congrats Dr.Iris Thiele-Schmied, publisher, and goodspeed ! Heute geht BLUESCAPE auf große Weltreise - nach China, Kanada, Dubai, Israel, Australien und und und... Hast du schon dein Exemplar? Today BLUESCAPE embarks on its global journey! Make sure to grab your copy! #bluescape_magazine #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #plshow

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Monday, October 16, 2017

Coming soon for the October @fatvillage ArtWalk! First appearance by Pascal with a huge display indoor Projects South Building 517 Northwest 1st ave, Fort Lauderdale. Free Entrance OCT 28TH 6-11PM THE GOODS is a monthly curated maker's market that takes place during FATVillage Artwalk on the last Saturday of every month. Come see for yourself! Good People. Good Art. Good Times. Come out and support small business and the local arts!!! More info at #fatvillage_projects #fatvillage_cfta #fatvillage #fatvillagespace #C&I Studios #fatvillageartwalk #fatvillageartist #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #plshow

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CURIEUSES A L'OLYMPAION - Curious in Olympeion ( in Athens) -  oil on canvas  by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 41x33cm,  16 1/8" x 13", with a very nice glossy white and gold wood frame 56x48cm 22x18 inches, lec413, 1995,  pre-owned, available in the secondary market ©pascal lecocq #greece #athens #temple#art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #pint.

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