Monday, April 30, 2018
CACHE TEMPOREL POUR UNE ABSENCE - Temporal mask for an absence - color pencil on paper by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 50x32.5cm, 20”x13”, Lec012b, 1977, available online at Original Early Work ©pascal lecocq #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #photooftheday #in #pint

Saturday, April 28, 2018
Ready. Just add friends.... Free Entrance April 28th 6-11PM ! with Pascal 4th show indoor Projects South Building 517 Northwest 1st ave, Fort Lauderdale. THE GOODS is a monthly curated maker's market that takes place during FATVillage Artwalk on the last Saturday of every month. Come see for yourself! Good People. Good Art. Good Times. Come out and support small business and the local arts!!! More info at https://ift.tt/2GnavHH #fatvillage_projects #fatvillage_cfta #fatvillage #fatvillagespace #C&I Studios #fatvillageartwalk #fatvillageartist #thegoods #thegoodsftl #fatvillageartsdistrict #flaglervillage #popupgallery #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #plshow

Tonight Free Entrance April 28th 6-11PM ! with Pascal 4th show indoor Projects South Building 517 Northwest 1st ave, Fort Lauderdale. THE GOODS is a monthly curated maker's market that takes place during FATVillage Artwalk on the last Saturday of every month. Come see for yourself! Good People. Good Art. Good Times. Come out and support small business and the local arts!!! More info at https://ift.tt/2GnavHH #fatvillage_projects #fatvillage_cfta #fatvillage #fatvillagespace #C&I Studios #fatvillageartwalk #fatvillageartist #thegoods #thegoodsftl #fatvillageartsdistrict #flaglervillage #popupgallery #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #plshow

Friday, April 27, 2018
CNOSSOS , oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 24”x36”, lec692, 2005, priv.coll Châtillon, France. © Pascal Lecocq Published in Plongee Online (France, 10/2005, Festival du Film Antibes (2005, France), Salon de la Plongee program (2006, France). #crete #maze #theseus #minotaur #ariadne #357 #pillars #phi #goldenratio #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #photooftheday #in #pint.

Thursday, April 26, 2018
CUMULUS- Conté and watercolors on paper by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 32,5 x 25cm, 12 1/2”x10”, Lec0189, 1978, available online at Original Early Work © pascal lecocq #sky #cloud #cumulus #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #photooftheday #in #pint.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
April 20-22 New York Our World Underwater Scholarship Society Gala
Proud little sponsor of the Our World Underwater Scholarship Society , since 2003, unfortunately I ‘m not able to attend today in NYC the final presentations of the 2017 scholars Leah Potts Mae Kl Dorricott and Melinda Brown (but they will get my rewards…) and to congratulate the new Australasian Olivia Johnson, European Èric Jordà Molina and North American Yann Herrerasholars, and wishing them a fintastic journey the coming year. The OWUSS changes more than the scholars and interns lives. It connects and creates bonds beyond many’s wildest dream (to quote Maureen Sweeney).
More at http://www.pascal-lecocq.com/…/our-world-underwater-scholar…
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2Ffv3k8
Group exhibition by the Broward Art Guild
“THE SPRING FLING” Art Exhibition and Sale
Original oil on canvas by Pascal: Calendar Aries Zodiac sign, oi on canvas, 20×20
Pascal’s painting was awarded with 3rd place in the show.
Juror Brooke Trace:”I carefully selected the artwork demonstrates talent, control of he medium and presentation”.
Gallery Hours: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: Noon to 9 pm Thursday Noon-6pm.Sunday-Tuesday: Closed.
OPENING RECEPTION: 2nd Saturday, April 14th, 2018, 6:30-9:00pm
EXHIBITION RUN DATES: April 11th to April 27th
Broward Art Guild Gallery
3280 NE 32nd Street
(North Beach Restaurants & Shoppes Plaza)
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2HYdEPP
April 9- May 4 Art Florida 2018, at ArtServe Fort Lauderdale
BROWARD ART GUILD: “Art Florida 2018″ EXHIBIT (until May 4th)
Group exhibition by the Broward Art Guild at ArtServe Fort lauderdale
Art Exhibition and Sale
Artworks by Pascal selected by this year’s juror: Courant d’air/Airstream, oil on canvas 30×24
Artists from around Florida will compete and flood your senses with an eclectic mix of styles in paintings, sculptures, photography and mixed media. Join us and meet the artists and vote for your favorite piece of art.
Location: JM Family Enterprises Gallery at ArtServe, located at 1350 East Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304
Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 9am – 8pm & Sat. 10am 5pm except for reception
Public Reception and Award Presentations: April 21st, 2018 from 6:00-9:00pm
Exhibition Run Dates: April 9th, 2018 to May 4th, 2018
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2HqGGqd
March 23-25 18th Pascal’s solo show at BTS New York part 3
SECAUCUS, NJ, Beneath The Sea March 23-25 2018 Meadowsland Exhibition Center,Secaucus (NJ), in front of Manhattan (New York).
Hours of Exhibit Hall Open: Friday 6pm-9pm Saturday 9am-5pm Sunday 9am-4:30pm
See last Pascal’s exhibition at BTS the previous years. Infos and directions
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2I3KAGR
March 23-25 18th Pascal’s solo show at BTS New York part 2
SECAUCUS, NJ, Beneath The Sea March 23-25 2018 Meadowsland Exhibition Center,Secaucus (NJ), in front of Manhattan (New York).
Hours of Exhibit Hall Open: Friday 6pm-9pm Saturday 9am-5pm Sunday 9am-4:30pm
See last Pascal’s exhibition at BTS the previous years. Infos and directions
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2HwGyW0
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
CHEVAL DU FLEUVE - Horse from the river - oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 18 1/8”x21 1/2”, 46x55cm, lec 292, 1992, priv.coll. Courbevois, France. © www.pascal-lecocq.com Print available. #hippopotamus #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #photooftheday #in #pint. Published in Red Sea Magazine (Israel, O1/1995) - Océans (France, 11/1996) - Duiken (Netherlands 02/1997) - Dykking (Norway 02/1999) - Blokboek (Netherland, 01/2000) -Montmartre à la Une (France, 10/2005)

Monday, April 23, 2018
Coming soon Free Entrance April 28th 6-11PM ! with Pascal 4rd show indoor Projects South Building 517 Northwest 1st ave, Fort Lauderdale. THE GOODS is a monthly curated maker's market that takes place during FATVillage Artwalk on the last Saturday of every month. Come see for yourself! Good People. Good Art. Good Times. Come out and support small business and the local arts!!! More info at https://ift.tt/2Jl27K3 #fatvillage_projects #fatvillage_cfta #fatvillage #fatvillagespace #C&I Studios #fatvillageartwalk #fatvillageartist #thegoods #thegoodsftl #fatvillageartsdistrict #fatvillage #popupgallery #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #plshow

COMPOSITE DE BRUCKNER - Bruckner's score - pencil and acryl on paper by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 25x32cm, 10"x12 1/2″, 1977, lec011a available ©pascal lecocq #bruckner #symphony #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #photooftheday #in #pint.

Saturday, April 21, 2018
Proud little sponsor of the Our-World Underwater Scholarship Society, since 2003, unfortunately I 'm not able to attend today in NYC the final presentations of the 2017 scholars Leah Potts, Mae Kl Dorricott, and Melinda Brown (but they will get my rewards...) and to congratulate the new Auatralasian, European and North American sholars, and wishing them a fintastic journey the coming year. The OWUSS changes more than the scholars and interns lives. It connects and creates bonds beyond many’s wildest dream (to quote Maureen). More at https://ift.tt/2Jg7BWl Pic at Explorer Club 2015 #owuss #scholar #rolex #rolexscholarship #rolexscholar #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #photooftheday #in #plshow

Friday, April 20, 2018
CALLIGRAMME DE GRENOUILLE 38 - Calligram of frog 38 Sardine Run - part 4 of 4, oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 10”x10” 26x26cm, 2009, lec812, priv.coll. E.Brooks ©pascal lecocq #sardinerun #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #photooftheday #in #pint.

Thursday, April 19, 2018
Tonight Opening to the benefit of the FLITE Center at North Beach Art Gallery on April 19, 2018 from 6-9 p.m. 3334 NE 34th Street Galt Ocean Plaza Fort Lauderdale FL 33308 phone local: (954) 667-0660 Permanent collection of Pascal's original oil paintings on canvas limited edition prints giclees on canvas and paperb and artprints and from other talented artists. Pic from last opening with gallery director Brooke Trace. more at https://ift.tt/1K8N8Sd FLITE Center is a centralized facility in Broward County for dependent youth to learn the skills needed for independent living. The topics of concentration include, but are not limited to, the importance of completion of education; government benefits, budgeting and banking; job and vocational training; housing options and other essential skills needed to live independently. #art #blue #painterofblue #photooftheday #in #plshow #nobeartgallery #northbeachartgallery #brooketrace #supportlocal #broward @brooke_trace @nobegallery