Thursday, October 17, 2019

CHAMBRE A BULLES - Bubbles chamber-, oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 142x10 1/ 35x27cm, lec552, 2000, priv.coll.Springfield, OH © pascal lecocq #bubble #art #blue #painterofblue #painting#painter #artist #photooftheday #theartdex #pint @bluepainter357

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Oct 13th Premiere New Champagne Bourdelat bottle with the Matador

“The Champagne” for bubbles lovers, “The Painting” of the underwater world, and eventually “The Bottle” celebrating years of collaboration between the Champagne Edmond Bourdelat and the Painter of Blue (a limited Edition Cuvee Speciale Pascal Lecocq in 2014 with an exclusive painting by Pascal, coming soon the 6th coffret of 6 bottles with caps illustrated with Pascal’s paintings), is just out of its box.
Premiere at the Festival of Bredene, Belgium this week-end and soon at the Paris Dive Show celebrating Pascal’s 20 years of exhibition there.

“Le Champagne” des amateurs de bulles, “La peinture” du monde sous-marin, et finalement… “La Bouteille” célébrant des années de collaboration entre le Champagne Edmont Bourdelat et le Peintre du Bleu (une première bouteille originale en 2014 et 6 années de coffrets de bouteilles avec les capsules représentant des toiles du peintre) vient de sortir.
Première au Festival de Bredenne ce week-end et bientôt au Salon de la Plongée à Paris pour y célébrer une vingtaine d’année d’exposition de Pascal à Paris.

See the Collaboration between Champagne and Pascal

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Sept 24th – Oct 6th The Magic Flute, Opera de Marseille

Pics, press coming soon.

Production of The Magic Flute, by Mozart at the Opera de Marseille, France of the set designs and costumes designs made in 2016 for the Opera de Nice with director Numa Sadoul and lights designer Philippe Mombellet

See previous pics. Pascal as set designer, the wikipedia page.

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Attending tonight "Partners in Breast Health Program at Holy Cross Hospital Benefit". Thursday October 17th from 6-9 pm NOBE Galley will host an event to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month “Art and Charity Series”. Events held monthly to benefit non-profit charities in our community. NOBE Art Gallery is located at 3334 NE 34th Street. We stand together in our battle against breast cancer. More infos at pic: COCKTAIL: THE CURE - oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 48"x12", 2014, lec907, priv.coll. Paris. © pascal lecocq Permanent collection of Pascal's original oil paintings on canvas limited edition prints giclees on canvas and paper and artprints and from other talented artists. - ⁠#plshow #nobeartgallery #northbeachartgallery #brooketrace #‎supportlocal‬ ‪ ‪#‎broward @brooke_trace @nobegallery ⁠ more at

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Thursday, October 10, 2019

"The Champagne" for bubbles lovers, "The Painting" of the underwater world, and eventually... "The Bottle" celebrating years of collaboration between the Champagne Edmond Bourdelat and the Painter of Blue (a limited Edition Cuvee Speciale Pascal Lecocq in 2014 with an exclusive painting by Pascal, coming soon the 6th coffret of 6 bottles with caps illustrated with Pascal's paintings), is just out of its box. Premiere at the Festival of Bredene, Belgium this week-end and soon at the Paris Dive Show celebrating Pascal's 20 years of exhibitions there. "Le Champagne" des amateurs de bulles, "La peinture" du monde sous-marin, et finalement... "La Bouteille" célébrant des années de collaboration entre le Champagne Edmont Bourdelat et le Peintre du Bleu (une première bouteille originale en 2014 et 6 années de coffrets de bouteilles avec les capsules représentant des toiles du peintre) vient de sortir. Première au Festival de Bredenne ce week-end et bientôt au Salon de la Plongée à Paris pour y célébrer une vingtaine d'année d'exposition de Pascal à Paris. More info at: © pascal lecocq #champagne #bourdelat @Champagne Edmont Bourdelat #epernay #bottlecap #bottlecaps #bottlecapcollection #plshow #salonplongee #diveshow #parisdiveshow #champagnebourdelat #corrida #Matador #art #blue #painterofblue @bourdelat @bluepainter357

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