Friday, July 28, 2017

COUPLE AT WORK IN THE OIL FIELDS AT THE ANGELUS, Oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 15"x30" 38x76cm, 2004. Private collection Dublin, OH. ©pascal lecocq #angelus #hardhat #helmet #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist #contemporaryartcurator #artstack #artcartridge #artcollectae #glarify #theartdex #in #pint. Inspired by “Couple de paysans à l'heure de l'Angelus” by Jean-François Millet, 1857-59, Musée d'Orsay Paris, France. Published in “Chefs-d’oeuvre/masterpieces by Pascal Lecocq" (Usa, 2011)

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